venerdì 4 febbraio 2011

Okay, O.K., K...e conseguenze!

Mom: "Your teacher posted that you didn't turn in your homework."
Teen: "Okay, Mom."
Problem: No! It's not "okay". What kind of answer is that? It is at this moment that my teen needs to explain what happened. Saying okay means nothing. Tell me why you didn't turn in your homework!
Mom: "The dog needs to go out right now."
Teen: Walking away from me says, "Okay."
Problem: No! It's not "okay". Take the dog out! If you are turning and walking away from me - explain why...don't just walk away. Tell me you are getting your shoes. Tell me you will after you go to the bathroom. Tell me something besides "okay" as you walk away. I guarantee an hour from now you won't be back and the dog will be sitting at the door with his legs crossed!
Mom: "You need to take your laundry upstairs please."
Teen" "K"
Problem: It's not "okay". Teen is sitting on the couch watching television. Teen will sit there until 5 minutes before they have to leave for school then in a mad rush to get things together will explain why they don't have time to take the laundry upstairs. "K" has been used as a means to trick Mom into thinking they are willing to do the chore. Teen has no intention of doing the chore. "Okay" means "I heard you" and that is about it.

Mom: While disciplining her teen says, "You are being very disrespectful."
Teen: Before Mom has even completed her sentence says, "Okay."
Mom: Shouting, "It is NOT OKAY!"
Teen: "Okay."
Mom: "When I am talking to you don't talk over me. And stop saying "OKAY"!
Teen: Teen looks at Mom completely confused like she is having a moment of insanity and says, "Oooookkkkkay????"

So teens use the term "okay" as a way of acknowledging that they are listening to you but don't really care about what you are saying. Saying "okay" is actually saying, "whatever", "shut-up", "you are on my nerves.", "just leave me alone", "go away", or "I'm not really listening to you." The list goes on.
 I want "okay" replaced with terms like "yes ma'am", "yes sir", "I'll take care of it", "right away", "you got it", "I'm on it", "no problem", "happy to help", or "sure"!
I think I am going to categorize "OKAY" as just another forbidden four letter word in my home.

Annotato sulla mia agenda (utile anche con bambini piccoli): grazie V.!

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